iGrant.io is committed to empowering developers with comprehensive, secure, and user-centric data exchange solutions. Our APIs are crafted to address a wide spectrum of data management needs, including consent management and digital wallet integration, as outlined below:
Digital Wallet APIs
OpenID for Verifiable Credentials (OpenID4VC)
- Overview: Implements interoperable digital wallets using OpenID4VC standards.
- APIs: Digital Wallets (OpenID4VC) API Docs
- Workflows: Issue Credential, Verify Credential
Aries Interop Profile (AIP)
- Overview: Implements interoperable digital wallets using the Aries standards.
- APIs: Digital Wallets (Aries Interop Profile) API Docs
- Workflows: Issue Credential, Verify Credential
Consent Management APIs
Admin Dashboard
- Overview: Manages (CRUD) data agreements/consents efficiently as an organisation admin.
- APIs: Consent Management (Admin) API Docs
- Workflows: Workflows
Individuals / Privacy Dashboard
- Overview: Empowers individuals to sign data agreements or mark consents to the use of personal data.
- APIs: Consent Management (Individual) API Docs
- Workflows: Workflows