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The following steps outline how developers can integrate consent management (Privacy Dashboard) APIs into their existing applications.

Step 01: Get the API key (Admin)

To get the API key contact

Step 02: Create Data Agreement

Copy the data agreement code block below and populate it the required field relevant for you. This data agreement schema is based on ISO27560. Execute the API available here.

"dataAgreement": {
"id": "",
"version": "",
"controllerId": "string",
"controllerUrl": "string",
"controllerName": "string",
"policy": {
"id": "",
"name": "",
"version": "",
"url": "",
"jurisdiction": "Europe",
"industrySector": "Healthcare",
"dataRetentionPeriodDays": 365,
"geographicRestriction": "Europe",
"storageLocation": "Europe",
"thirdPartyDataSharing": false
"dataAttributes": [
"id": "",
"name": "Patient Summary",
"description": "Patient Summary",
"sensitivity": "",
"category": ""
"purpose": "Patient Summary History",
"purposeDescription": "Patient Summary History",
"lawfulBasis": "consent",
"methodOfUse": "data_source",
"dpiaDate": "",
"dpiaSummaryUrl": "string",
"signature": {
"id": "",
"payload": "",
"signature": "",
"verificationMethod": "",
"verificationPayload": "",
"verificationPayloadHash": "",
"verificationArtifact": "",
"verificationSignedBy": "",
"verificationSignedAs": "",
"verificationJwsHeader": "",
"timestamp": "",
"signedWithoutObjectReference": "",
"objectType": "",
"objectReference": ""
"active": true,
"forgettable": "",
"compatibleWithVersionId": "string",
"lifecycle": "draft",
"dataExchange": {
"dataExchangeProfile": "AIP10",
"id": "string",
"credentialDefinitionId": "string",
"schemaId": "string",
"isExistingSchema": false,
"qrId": "string",
"firebaseDynamicLink": "string"

Copy the Data Agreement ID for performing other actions.